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land acknowledgment

The University of South Florida can be found on the homelands of the yat’siminoli, the unconquered Seminole Tribe of Florida. Seattle & the University of Washington stand upon land of dxʷdəwʔabš ancestry, belonging to the Duwamish Tribe past and present: the Muckleshoot, Suquamish, Lummi, Tulalip, Puyallup, and other Western Washington Tribes.


I am humbled and grateful to learn about and stand for Sovereignty, and use my voice to call out the rewriting of history. But the very freedom to express such gratitude is rooted in a continued legacy of national violence, cruelty, and colonization — it is a privilege I've inherited, to say I'm honored to be a creative nourished by the beauty and spirituality of all Coast Salish Peoples’ Pacific Northwest.

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